
Sharing is caring!

Let’s have fun sharing the crazy experience that we have in our lives…

CrazyBusyBee CrazyBusyBee

Why routine is important but not sustainable?

What is a routine?

 A routine is a number of steps or activities that we do regularly and when those are done without even thinking about it, they become habits.

You get up in the morning, you take your shower or brush your teeth or hair, get dressed, have coffee….

Why is it so hard to create new routines and stuck to them?

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CrazyBusyBee CrazyBusyBee

Cleaning-The different routines

There are so many options from all parts of the world to help cleaning your house. It makes it hard to choose what option would work for your household or personality. But why should you pick one type and stick to it? I think that all the routines are great and should be used by all households depending on the timing and the needs of that household.


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CrazyBusyBee CrazyBusyBee

The story of a roamer - Tom the cat!

The story of Tom, my failed foster who taught me what a roamer is and how difficult it can be to keep up with cats not coming home by themselves…until they find their humans

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CrazyBusyBee CrazyBusyBee

Life experience - Crazy lies…

You have the small moments in life which when they happen might be so incredible that you cannot believe they are actually happening.

If you tell a friend about that adventure, you get the look...yes the look that says: “ you are such a liar” ….no way this can actually have happened.

And then you have the plain lies….

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